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BSISO/IEC/IEEE15288:2015 BSIStandardsPublication Systems and software engineering System life cycle processes bsi. ..making excellence a habit. BSISO/IEC/IEEE15288:2015 BRITISH STANDARD Nationalforeword ThisBritishStandardistheUK implementationof ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015.It supersedesBSIS0/IEC15288:2002whichiswithdrawn The UKparticipation in its preparationwas entrusted to Technical CommitteeIST/15,Softwareand systems engineering A list of organizations represented on this committee canbe obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. TheBritish Standards Institution2015.Published by BSIStandards Limited2015 ISBN9780580896132 ICS 35.080 CompliancewithaBritishStandardcannot conferimmunityfrom legal obligations. This BritishStandard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on30 June2015. Amendments issued sincepublication Date Textaffected BSISO/IEC/IEEE15288:2015 INTERNATIONAL ISO/IEC/ STANDARD IEEE 15288 First edition 2015-05-15 Systems and software engineering - System life cycle processes IngenieriedessystemesetdulogicielProcessusducycledeviedu systeme Referencenumber IEC ISo ISO/IEC/IEEE15288:2015(E) IEEE @ISO/IEC2015 IEEE2015 BSISO/EC/IEEE15288:2015 ISO/IEC/IEEE15288:2015(E) PDFdisclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In the IEC Central Office and IEEE do not accept any liability in this area. Adobe isatrademarkof AdobeSystemsIncorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies and IEEE members. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the ISO Central Secretariat or IEEE at the address given below. COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO/IEC2015 C IEEE2015 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from ISO, IEC or IEEE at the respective addressbelow. ISO copyright office IECCentralOffice Instituteof Electricaland Electronics Engineers, Inc. Casepostale56 3,rue de Varembe 3ParkAvenue,NewYork CH-1211 Geneva 20 CH-1211 Geneva 20 NY10016-5997,USA Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Switzerland E-mail [email protected] Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail [email protected] Web E-mail [email protected] Web Published in Switzerland @ISO/IEC 2015-All rights reserved = @ IEEE 2015-All rights reserved BSISO/IEC/IEEE15288:2015 ISO/IEC/IEEE15288:2015(E) Contents Page Introduction vii 1 Overview. 1.1 Scope... 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Field ofapplication 1.4 Limitations 2 Conformance 2.1 Intended usage ... 2.2 Full conformance. 2.2.1 Fullconformancetooutcomes. 2.2.2 Full conformancetotasks 2.3 Tailoredconformance.. 3 Normative references. 4 Terms, definitions,andabbreviatedterms 4.1 Terms and definitions... 4.2 Abbreviated terms.. 10 5 Keyconceptsand applicationofthisInternational Standard 1 5.1 Introduction........... 11 5.2 Systemconcepts 5.2.1 Systems.. 5.2.2 System structure. 11 5.2.3 Enablingsystems.. 5.3 Organization and project concepts... 13 5.3.1 Organizations.... 13 5.3.2 Organization and project.level adoption....... 14 5.4 Life cycle concepts. 14 5.4.1 System life cycle model. 5.4.2 System life cycle stages... 5.5 Process concepts... 5.5.1 Criteriaforprocesses, 5.5.2 Descriptionofprocesses 15 5.5.3 Generalcharacteristicsof processes 15 5.5.4 15 5.6 Processes in this standard.. 15 5.6.1 Introduct

pdf文档 ISO IEC IEEE 15288-2015(E) Systems and software engineering–System life cycle processes[First Edition]_2015-05-15

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ISO IEC IEEE 15288-2015(E) Systems and software engineering–System life cycle processes[First Edition]_2015-05-15 第 1 页 ISO IEC IEEE 15288-2015(E) Systems and software engineering–System life cycle processes[First Edition]_2015-05-15 第 2 页 ISO IEC IEEE 15288-2015(E) Systems and software engineering–System life cycle processes[First Edition]_2015-05-15 第 3 页
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