IEC International ISO Standard ISO/IEC23415 First edition Information technology Data Format Description Language 2024-04 (DFDL) v1.0 Specification Referencenumber ISO/IEC23415:2024(en) @ISO/IEC 2024 IS0/IEC 23415:2024(en) Contents 7 Introduction 1.1 Why is DFDL Needed? 10 1.2 What is DFDL?. 10 1.2.1 Simple Example.. 10 1.3 What DFDL is not. 13 1.4 Scope of version 1.0 13 2 Overview of the Specification 15 3 Notational and Definitional Conventions 16 3.1 Glossary and Terminology . 16 3.2 Failure Types . 16 4 The DFDL Information Set (Infoset) 17 4.1 "No Value". 18 4.2 Information Items ... 18 4.2.1 Document Information Item .... 4.2.2 Element Information Items... 18 4.3 DFDL Information Item Order ... .19 4.4 DFDL Augmented Infoset .. 19 5 DFDL Schema Component Model .... .20 5.1 DFDL Simple Types... 20 5.2 DFDL Subset of XML Schema... 21 5.3 XSD Facets, min/maxOccurs, default, and fixed .. 5.3.1 MinOccurs, MaxOccurs 23 5.3.2 MinLength, MaxLength .... 5.3.3 Maxlnclusive, MaxExclusive, MinExclusive, Minlnclusive, TotalDigits, FractionDigits.. 5.34 Pattern ... 23 5.3.5 Enumeration Values . 23 5.36 Default.... 23 5.3.7 Fixed. 24 5.4 Compatibility with Other Annotation Language Schemas .. .24 6 DFDL Syntax Basics . 25 6.1 Namespaces . 25 6.2 The DFDL Annotation Elements .. 25 6.3 DFDL Properties ... 26 6.3.1 DFDL String Literals .. 28 6.32 DFDL Expressions. 32 6.3.3 DFDL Regular Expressions 32 6.3.4 Enumerations in DFDL 32 Syntax of DFDL Annotation Elements. 33 7.1 ComponentFormatAnnotations 33 7.1.1 Property Binding Syntax .. .34 7.1.2 Empty String as a Representation Property Value 35 7.2 dfdl:defineFormat - Reusable Data Format Definitions .36 7.2.1 Using/Referencing a Named Format Definition: The dfdl:ref Property . 7.2.2 Inheritancefor dfdl:defineFormat..... 7.3 The dfdl:defineEscapeScheme Defining Annotation Element... ..37 7.3.1 Using/Referencing a Named escapeScheme Definition .. .37 7.4 The dfdl:escapeScheme Annotation Element... .37 IS0/IEC 2024 - All rights reserved 3

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ISO IEC 23415 2024 Information technology — Data Format Description Language (DFDL) v1.0 Specification 第 1 页 ISO IEC 23415 2024 Information technology — Data Format Description Language (DFDL) v1.0 Specification 第 2 页 ISO IEC 23415 2024 Information technology — Data Format Description Language (DFDL) v1.0 Specification 第 3 页
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