ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 15622 Third edition 2018-09-14 Intelligent transport systems: Adaptive cruise control systems -Performance requirements and test procedures Systemes intelligentsdetransports-Systemes stabilisateursde vitesse adaptes-Exigences deperformanceetmodes operatoires Reference number IS015622:2018(E) ISO 度 @IS02018 IS015622:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS02018,Published in Switzerland All rights reserve Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form orby anymeans,electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior writtenpermission.PermissioncanberequestedfromeitherIsOattheaddressbeloworIso'smemberbodyinthecountryof therequester ISO copyrightoffice Blandonnet 8.CP 401 CH-1214Vernier,Geneva,Switzerland Tel.+41227490111 Fax +4122749 09 47 [email protected] ii @IS02018-All rights reserved IS015622:2018 Contents Page Forewor .iv Introduction. .. 1 Scope... ..1 2 Normativereferences ..1 3 Terms and definitions .1 4 Symbols andabbreviatedterms .4 5 Classification .5 5.1 Type of ACC systems 5 6 Requirements .5 6.1 Basic control strategy .5 6.2 Functionality .6 6.2.1 Controlmodes 6 6.2.2 Stationary or slow moving targets 6 6.2.3 Following capability .6 6.2.4 "Go" transition.. 8 6.3 Basicdriver interfaceand intervention capabilities 9 6.3.1 Operationelementsandsystemreactions 9 6.3.2 Display elements. 10 6.3.3 Symbols 10 6.4 Operational limits ..10 6.5 Activationofbrakelights .12 6.6 Failurereactions .12 7 Performanceevaluationtestmethods ..13 7.1 Environmental conditions. 13 7.2 Test target specification. .13 7.2.1 General. 13 7.2.2 Infrared LIDAR 13 7.2.3 Millimetre wave RADAR .13 7.3 Automatic“Stop"capabilitytestforFSRA-typeonly 14 7.3.1 Test target vehicle ..14 7.3.2 Initial conditions .14 7.3.3 Test procedure. .14 7.4 Target acquisition range test .14 7.5 Target discrimination test ..15 7.5.1 General. .15 7.5.2 Initial conditions 15 7.5.3 Test procedure .16 7.6 Curve capability test. 16 7.6.1 General. ..16 7.6.2 Testfield .17 7.6.3 Curve capability, target vehicle 7.6.4 Driving scenario .17 AnnexA(normative)Technicalinformation ..19 Bibliography .24 IS02018-All rights reserved ili

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