ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 20601 Firstedition 2018-12 Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing Use of automated phased array technology for thin- walled steel components Essais non destructifs des assemblages soudés - Controle par ultrasons - Utilisation de la technique multi-éléments automatises pourles composantsen acieraparoimince Reference number IS0 20601:2018(E) rso @IS02018 IS0 20601:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V 1 Scope .1 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Testing levels 5 Information required before testing 5.1 Items to be specified before procedure development. 4 5.2 Specific information required by the operator before testing ..4 5.3 Written test procedure.. .4 6 Requirements for personnel and test equipment .5 6.1 Personnel qualifications 6.2 Test equipment. ..5 6.2.1 General ..5 6.2.2 Instruments and display 5 6.2.3 Probes. 6.2.4 Scanning mechanisms ..6 7 Preparation for testing. .6 7.1 Volume to be tested ..6 7.2 Verification of test set-up .6 7.3 Scan increment setting .7 7.4 Geometry considerations .7 7.5 Preparation of scanning surfaces .7 7.6 Temperature 7.7 Couplant.. .7 8 Testing of parent material ..7 9 Range and sensitivity settings 8 9.1 Settings. 9.1.1 General. .8 9.1.2 Pulse-echo time window 9.1.3 Pulse-echo sensitivity settings. .8 9.2 Checking of the settings .8 9.3 Reference blocks. .9 9.3.1 General. .9 9.3.2 Material .9 9.3.3 Dimensions and shape .9 9.3.4 Reference reflectors. .9 9.4 Test blocks testing level D .10 9.4.1 General. ..10 9.4.2 Material. ..10 9.4.3 Dimensions and shape ..10 9.4.4 Reflectors in test blocks .10 10 Equipment checks ..10 11 Verification of the test procedure ..11 12 Weld testing ..11 13 Data storage. .11 14 Interpretation and analysis of phased array data ..11 14.1 General. ..11 14.2 Assessing the quality of the phased array data. .12 14.3 Identification of relevant indications. .12 @ IS0 2018 - All rights reserved ii IS0 20601:2018(E) 14.4 Classification of relevant indications. 12 14.5 Determination of location and length 12 14.5.1 Location 12 14.5.2Length. 12 14.6 Indication assessment. 13 14.6.1 General. 13 14.6.2 Assessment based on amplitude and length 13 14.6.3 Assessment based on height and length 13 14.6.4 Characterization of discontinuities. 13 14.7 Evaluation against acceptance criteria. 13 15 Test report. .14 Annex A (informative) Typical reference blocks .16 Bibliography 18 iv @ IS0 2018 - All rights reserved

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ISO 20601 2018 Non-destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing — Use 第 1 页 ISO 20601 2018 Non-destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing — Use 第 2 页 ISO 20601 2018 Non-destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing — Use 第 3 页
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