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BSIS013579-2:2013 BSI Standards Publication Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment - Method of measuringenergy balanceand calculating efficiency Part 2: Reheating furnaces for steel bsi. ..making excellence a habit. BSISO 13579-2:2013 BRITISHSTANDARD Nationalforeword This British Standard is the UK implementation of IS0 13579-2:2013. TheUKparticipationinitspreparationwasentrustedtoTechnical Committee RHE/13, Oil burning equipment. A listoforganizations representedon this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. @ The British Standards Institution 2013. Published by BSI Standards Limited2013 ISBN9780580725111 ICS 25.180.01 CompliancewithaBritishStandardcannotconferimmunityfrom legalobligations. This British Standardwaspublished underthe authorityof the StandardsPolicyandStrategyCommitteeon31January2013. Amendmentsissuedsincepublication Date Textaffected BSISO13579-2:2013 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 13579-2 First edition 2013-01-15 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment Method of measuring energy balance and calculating efficiency - Part 2: Reheatingfurnacesforsteel Fours industriels etéquipementsassociés-Methodedemesuredu bilan énergetique etde calcul de I'efficacite Partie2:Fours de réchauffage pour acier Reference number ISO13579-2:2013(E) @ISO 2013

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ISO 13579-2 2013 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Method of measuring energy balance and calculating efficiency — Part 2  Reheating furnaces for steel 第 1 页 ISO 13579-2 2013 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Method of measuring energy balance and calculating efficiency — Part 2  Reheating furnaces for steel 第 2 页 ISO 13579-2 2013 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Method of measuring energy balance and calculating efficiency — Part 2  Reheating furnaces for steel 第 3 页
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