ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 3216 Second edition 1997-06-01 Oil of cassia, Chinese type (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, syn. Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume) Huile essentielle de cannelier, type Chine (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, syn. Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume} IS OJ Reference number ISO 3216:1997(E) ISO3216:1997(E) Foreword IsO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide fed- eration of national standards bodies (isO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through isO which a technical committee has been established has the right to be representedonthatcommittee.Internationalorganizations,governmenta1 andnon-governmental,inliaisonwithISO,alsotakepart inthework.ISo collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO 3216 was prepared by Technical Committ ee ISO/f C 54, Essential oils. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (isO 3216:1974); which has been technically revised. @ISO1997 All rights reseNe d. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical. including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. International Organization forStandarizafon CasePostale56·CH-1211Geneve20·Switzerland Internet X.400 C=ch:a=400net; p=iso;0=isocs;S=central ii INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO ISO 3216:1997(E) Oil of cassia, Chinese type (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, syn. Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume) 1 Scope ISO 279:1981. Essential oils - Determination of relativedensityat2oC(Referencemethod) This Internationa Standard specifies certain charae ISO 280:1976, Essential oils - Determination of teristics of the oil of cassiaChinese type (Cinnamomum refractive index. aromaticumNees,syn.CinnamomumcassiaNeesex Blume).in order to facilitate assessment of its quality IsO 875:1981, Essential oils - Evaluation of misci- bil it y in ethano./ ISO 1242:1973, Essential oils - Determination of the acid value. IsO 1279:1996. Essential oils - Determination of 2 Normative references carbonylvalue- Potentiometric methods using hydro-xylammonium chloride. The following standards contain provisions which IsO 11024-1:- 31, Essential oils - General guidance through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of on chromatographicprofiles - Part 1: Preparation of publication,the editions indicated were valid. All chromatographic profiles for presentation in stan- standards are subject to revision, and parties to dards. agreements based on this International Standard are IS 0 11024-2:- 3l, Essential oils - General guidance encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying on chromatographic profiles - Part 2: Utilization of the most recent editions of the standards indicated chromatographic profiles of a sample of essential below. M embers of IEC and ISO maintain registers of oils. currently valid International Standards. IsO 11025:- 3l, Oil of cassia, Chinese type - Deter- ISsO 210:- 1>, Essential oils - General rules for mination of trans-cinnamaldehyde content - Gas packaging, conditioning and storage. chromatographic method on capillary columns . IS O 21l:- 21, Essential oils - General rules for 3 Definition labelling and marking of containers. For the purposes of this international Standard, the IS O 212:1973, Essential oils - Sampling. following definition applies. 1)To be published (Revision of ISO 210:1961) 2) To be published. (Revision of ISO 211:1961) 3) To bepublished.

.pdf文档 ISO 3216 1997 Oil of cassia, Chinese type (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, syn. Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume)

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ISO 3216 1997 Oil of cassia, Chinese type (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, syn. Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume) 第 1 页 ISO 3216 1997 Oil of cassia, Chinese type (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, syn. Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume) 第 2 页 ISO 3216 1997 Oil of cassia, Chinese type (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, syn. Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume) 第 3 页
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