4851903 0803837 777 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 603-1:1999 ISO 603-2:1999 ISo ISO 603-3:1999 ISO 603-4:1999 ISO 603-5:1999 ISO 603-6:1999 ISO 603-7:1999 ISO 603-8:1999 ISO 603-9:1999 This material is reproduced from ISO documents under International Organization ISO 603-10:1999 for Standardization (ISO) Copyright License Number HIS/CC/1996. Not for resale. ISO 603-11:1999 No part of these ISO documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval ISO 603-12:1999 system or othcrwise, except as allowed in the copyright law of the country of use, or ISO 603-13:1999 with the prior writen consent ofISO (Case postale 56,1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, ISO 603-14:1999 Fax +4122 734 10 79), IHS or the ISO Licensor's membcrs ISO 603-15:1999 ISO 603-16:1999 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Published 1999-11-15 INTERNATIONALORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION MEKAYHAPOAHAA OPTAHM3ALIMA O CTAHIAPTV3ALIWW ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Bonded abrasive products - -Dimensions Part 1: Grinding wheels for external cylindrical grinding between centres Part 2: Grinding wheels for centreless external cylindrical grinding Part 3: Grinding wheels for internal cylindrical grinding Part 4: Grinding wheels for surface grinding/peripheral grinding Part5:Grindingwheelsforsurfacegrinding/facegrinding Part 6: Grinding wheels for tool and tool room grinding Part 7: Grinding wheeis for manually guided grinding Part 8: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling/snagging Part 9: Grinding wheels for high-pressure grinding Part 10: Stones for honing and superfinishings Part11:Handfinishingsticks Part 12: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a straight grinder Part 13: Grinding wheels for deburring and fetting on a vertical grinder Part 16: Grinding wheels for cutting-off on hand heid power tools TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM1 Produitsabrasifsagglomerés-Dimensions Partie1:Meulespourrectificationcylindriqueexterieureentrecentres Partie 2: Meules pour rectification cylindrique exterieure sans centres Partie3:Meulespourrectificationcylindriqueinterieure Partie 4: Meules pour rectification plane/meulage tangentiel Partie 5:Meules pour rectification plane/meulage lateral Partie 6: Meules pour affutage d'outils Partie7:Meulespourmeulageaguidagemanuel Partie 8: Meules pour eébarbage et ebavurage Partie 9: Meules pour meulage haute pression Partie 10: Batons rodoirs et de superfinition Partie 11: Pierres a main Partie 12: Meules pour ebarbage et ebavurage sur meuleuses portatives droites Partie 14: Meutes pour ébarbage et ébavurage surmeuleuses portatives a renvoi d'angle Partie 15: Meules pour trongonnage sur machines fixes ou mobiles Partie 16: Meules pour trongonnage sur machines portatives RECTIFICATIFTECHNIQUE 1 ICS25.100.70 Ref. No. ISO 603 (parts 1 to 16):1999/Cor.1:1999(E) @ Iso 1999-All rights reserved Printed in Switzerland COPYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services STD.IS0 603-1-ENGL 1999 EO6T5Ph EEO9O E09 ISO 603 (parts 1 to 16):1999/Cor.1:1999(E) ISO/TC 29, Small tools, Subcommittee SC 5, Grinding wheels and abrasives. Page ili Foreword Paragraph 5, replace the reference to isO 3290:1976byIsO 3920:1976. 2 ISO1999-Allrightsreserved coPYRIGHT, International Organization for Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services 4851903 0790509 632 STD.IS0 603-1-ENGL 1999 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 603-1 First edition 1999-07-15 Bonded abrasive products Dimensions - Part 1: Grinding wheels for external cylindrical grinding between centres Produits abrasifs agglomeres Dimensions - Partie 1: Meules pour rectification cylindrique exterieure entre centres This material is reproduced from Iso documents under International Organization for Standardization (ISO)Copyright LIicense Number [HS/ICC/1996.Not for resale.No part of these IsO documents may be reproduced in any form, electronic retrieval system or otherwlse, except as allowed in the copyright faw of the country of use, or with the 22 734 10 79)
ISO 603-1 1999 Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 1 Grinding wheels for external cylindrical grinding between centres
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