COPYRIGHT International Organization for S Standardization Licensed by Information Handling Services ISO 7220:1996/Cor.1:2001(E) 1: series number of the document 2: editor (organization responsibleforthedocument) editor (identifier for the committee that prepared the document) 4: date of publication 5: languageofdocument (e.g.EN=English; DE=German) 6: other language editions available appear in parentheses (same codes as indicated in 5 above) 7: titleof document :8 numberofpages :6 physical size 10: 2 @ IS0 2001 -All rights reserved CopYRIGHT International Organization for Standardization LicensedbyInformation Handling Services COPYRIGHT, International Organization for Standardization
ISO 7220 1996 Information and documentation — Presentation of catalogues of standards