ISO/IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 13962 First edition 1995-09-15 Information technology -- Data interchange on 12,7 mm, 112-track magnetic tape cartridges -- DLT 2 format Technologies de I"'information - Echange de données sur cartouches de bande magnétique de 12,7 mm, 112 pistes --- Format DLT 2 IEC Tso Referencenumber ISO/IEC13962:1995(E) Copyright Intermational Organization for Standardization rmitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO/IEC 13962:1995 (E) Contents Page 1 Scope 1 2 Conformance 1 2.1 Magnetic tape cartridges 1 2.2 Generating systems 1 2.3 Receiving systems 1 3 Normative references 1 4 Definitions 1 4.1 Average Signal Amplitude 1 4.2 azimuth 1 4.3 back surface 1 4.4 Beginning-Of-Tape marker (BOT) 1 4.5 byte 1 4.6 cartridge 2 4.7 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) character 2 4.8 Early Warning (EW) 2 4.9 Error-Detecting Code (EDC) 2 4.10 End-Of-Tape marker (EOT) 2 4.11 Entity 2 4.12 Error-Correcting Code (ECC) 2 4.13 flux transition position 2 4.14 flux transition spacing 2 4.15 Logical Block 2 4.16 logical track 2 4.17 magnetic tape 2 4.18 Master Standard Reference Tape 2 4.19 object 2 4.20 physical block 2 4.21 physical recording density 2 4.22 physical track 2 4.23 Record 2 4.24 Reference Edge 2 4.25 Reference Field 2 4.26 Secondary Standard Reference Tape 2 @ ISO/IEC 1995 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher ISO/IEC Copyright Office - Case Postale 56 - CH-1211 Geneve 20 - Switzerland Printed in Switzerland Copyrigh InternationalOrganizationfor Standardization nitted without license from IHS Not for Resale IS0/IEC 13692:1995 (E) @ISO/IEC 4.27 Standard Reference Amplitude (SRA) 2 2 4.28 Standard Reference Current 3 4.29 Test Recording Current 3 4.30 Typical Field 3 5 Conventions and notations 3 5.1 Representation of numbers 3 5.2 Names 3 5.3 Acronyms 3 6 Environment and safety 3 6.1 Cartridge and tape testing environment 4 6.2 Cartridge operating environment 4 6.3 Cartridge storage environment 4 6.4 Safety 4 6.4.1 Safeness 4 6.4.2 Flammability 4 6.5 Transportation 5 Section 2 - Requirements for the unrecorded tape 5 7 Mechanical and electrical requirements 5 7.1 Material 5 7.2 Tape length 5 7.3 Width 7.4 Total thickness 5 7.5 Thickness of the base material 5 7.6 Thickness of the magnetic coating 5 5 7.7 Thickness of the back coating 5 7.8 Discontinuity 5 7.9 Longitudinal curvature 5 7.9.1 Requirement 5 7.9.2 Procedure 7.10 Out-of-Plane distortions 5 5 7.11 Cupping 6 7.12 Roughness of the coating surfaces 6 7.12.1 Roughness of the back coating surface 6 7.12.2 Roughness of the magnetic coating surface 6 7.13 Coating adhesion 7 7.14 Layer-to-layer adhesion 7 7.14.1 Requirements 7 7.14.2 Procedure 8 7.15 Modulus of elasticity 8 7.15.1 Requirement 8 7.15.2 Procedure 8 7.16 Flexural rigidity ii ted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO IEC 13962 1995 Information technology — Data interchange on 12,7 mm, 112-track magnetic tape cartridges — DLT 2 format
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