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INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO105-A02:1993 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2 Published 2005-10-01 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION: MEKAYHAPOAHAOPTAHV3ALMO CTAHAAPTW3ALIMM ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALEDENORMALISATION Textiles Tests for colour fastness Part A02: Grey scale for assessing change in colour TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2 Textiles-Essaisde soliditedesteintures- PartieAo2:Echellede gris pour I'évaluationdesdegradations RECTIFICATIFTECHNIQUE2 Technical Corrigendum 2 to ISO 105-A02:1993 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 38, Textiles, Subcommittee Sc 1, Tests for coloured textiles and colorants. Page 2, Subclause 2.5 Insert the following paragraph after the first paragraph of Subclause 2.5. "The colour appearance of samples can be affected by the colour of the surround against which they are viewed and the colour of any material that is used to mask them. In order to obtain reliable test results usingiSO105-A02,thesamplesshallbemaskedwithamaterialthatisidenticalincolourtothesleeve that is used to mask the test strip being used. Chromatically neutral surrounds and sleeves should be used but, with proper use, grey or black sleeves are acceptable. Proper use entails that, for example, if the test strip is used with a black sleeve then the samples shall be masked using an identical black material or, if a single mask which shall be neutral in color is used, then it shall completely surround both the test strip and the samples." ICS 59.080.01 Ref. No.ISO 105-A02:1993/Cor.2:2005(E) ISO2005-All rightsreserved anizationforstandardizationrland NoreproductionornetworkingpermitedwithoutlicensefromIHS Not for Resale 48519030541479 653 IS0105PT*A0293 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 105-A02 Fourth edition 1993-09-01 Textiles Tests for colour fastness Part A02: Grey scale for assessing change in colour Textiles — Essaisdesoliditedesteintures Partie Ao2: Echelle de gris pour I'évaluation des degradations Reference number ISO 105-A02:1993(E) Copyright Intermational Organization for Standardization hout license from IHS Not for Resale IS0105PT*A02934851903 ghThso 0375 ISO105-A02:1993(E) Foreword IsO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IsO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO 105-A02 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 38, Textiles, Sub-Committee SC 1, Tests for coloured textiles and colorants. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 105-A02:1987), of which it constitutes a minor revision. ISO 105 was previously published in thirteen "parts", each designated by a letter (e.g."Part A"), with publication dates between 1978 and 1985. Each part contained a series of "sections", each designated by the re- spective part letter and by a two-digit serial number (e.g. "Section Ao1"). These sections are now being republished as separate documents, them- nations. A complete list of these parts is given in ISO 105-A01. ISO 1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without per- mission in writing from the publisher. International OrganizationforStandardization Case Postale 56· CH-1211Geneve 20· Switzerland Printed inSwitzerland ii from IHS Not for Resale

.pdf文档 ISO 105-A02 1993 Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part A02 Grey scale for assessing change in colour

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ISO 105-A02 1993 Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part A02  Grey scale for assessing change in colour 第 1 页 ISO 105-A02 1993 Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part A02  Grey scale for assessing change in colour 第 2 页 ISO 105-A02 1993 Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part A02  Grey scale for assessing change in colour 第 3 页
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