ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 2416 Third edition 1992-05-01 Passenger cars - Mass distribution Voitures particulieres -- Repartition des masses Referencenumber ISO2416:1992(E) vided by IHS unde er license with ISC 1SO 2416:1992(E) Foreword Iso (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IsO member bodies). The work of preparing international Standards is normally carried out through Iso technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with iso, also take part in the work. Iso collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnica! Commission (IEC) on ali matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter- national Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard Iso 2416 was prepared by Technical Committee Iso/T 22, Road vehicles, Sub-Committee sC 6, Terms and definitions of dimensions and masses. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (Iso 2416:1976), of which it constitutes a technicat revision. ?ISO1992 All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced or utillzed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher. InternationalOrganizationforStandardization CasePostale56·CH-1211Geneve20·Switzerland Printed InSwitzerland Copyright International Organization for Standardization Not for Resale INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 2416:1992(E) Passenger cars -- Mass distribution Scope 3.2 Conventional mass of luggage, mp 1 ThisInternational Standard defines thedistribution The conventional mass of tuggage, for each pass- of the transportable mass for passenger cars, and enger, is fixed at mp -- 7 kg. specifies 3.3 Nominal design pay mass, m a conventional average mass for passengers, and The nominal design pay mass, m, shall meet the following inequality: a conventional mass for luggage. m≥(m +m) × n The total of the masses thus defined represents nominal design pay mass for a given vehicle. where n is the number of seating places as defined by the manufacturer. This International Standard applies to passenger cars as defined in Iso 3833. 3.4 Nominal mass of transportable goods, mtr 2 Normative references The nominal mass of transportable goods, mr. is determined by the following formula: The following standards contain provisions which mr = mt - mp × no through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publi- cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan- where dards are subject to revision, and parties tc no is the number of occupied seats; agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap- m4 is as defined in 3.3; plying the most recent editions of the standards in- dicatedbelow.MembersofIECandIsOmaintain mp is as defined in 3.1. registers of currently valid International Standards. Iso 3832:1991, Passenger cars -- Luggage compart- Mass distribution ments - Method of measuring reference volume. 4.1 General requirements Iso 3833:1977, Road vehicles - Types - Terms and definitions. None of the permissible axle loads shall be ex- Iso 6549:1980, Road vehicles - Procedure for H- ceeded. point determination. 4.2 Passenger cars with invariable volume of luggage compartment 3 Terms and conventional values 4.2.1 Passengers 3.1 Conventional mass of passenger, mp The centre of respective masses is situated, in ac- The conventional mass of a passenger without lug- cordance with Iso 6549, as specified in either a) or gage is fixed at mp 68 kg. b): No reproduction or network
ISO 2416 1992 Passenger cars — Mass distribution
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