iso standard download
5837/1 International Standard OSL INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION ME XAYHAPOAHAR OPTAHW3AUWA HO CTAHAAPTW3AUWWORGANISATION INTE RNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Implants for surgery - Intramedullary nailing systems Part 1 : Intramedullary nails with cloverleaf or V-shaped cross-section Implants chirurgicaux- Systemes d'enclouage intramedullaire -Partie 1: Clous intramedullaires a section en forme de trefle ou env First edition - 1985-06-15 05837/1-1985 (E) UDC 615.465 : 621.882.2 Ref.No.1SO5837/1-1985(E) Descriptors : medical equipment, surgical implants, nails (fasteners), dimensions, dimensional tolerances. Price based on 5 pages No reproduction or networking permited withoutlicensefrom IHS Not for Resale Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (isO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through Iso technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the ISo Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at International Standard SO5837/1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 150, Implants for surgery. International Organization for Standardization, 1985 Printed in Switzerland n for Standardizatior No reproduction or networking permited withoutlicense from IHS Provided by IHS und Not for Resale ISO5837/1-1985 (E) INTERNATIONALSTANDARD Implants for surgery - Intramedullary nailing systems Part 1 : Intramedullary nails with cloverleaf or V-shaped cross-section 1 Scope and field of application 2References This part of ISo 5837 specifies the main and fitting dimensions ISO5832,Implantsforsurgery-Metallicmaterials for intramedullary nails with cloverleaf or V-shaped cross- Part 1: Wrought stainless steel. section for use in bone surgery. It also specifies extracting hooksand recommendsthediametersoftheguidewirestobe Part 5: Wrought cobalt-chromium-tungsten-nickel used with the nails. alloy. NOTE - All dimensions are given in millimetres. 1 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

.pdf文档 ISO 5837-1 1985 Implants for surgery — Intramedullary nailing systems — Part 1 Intr

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ISO 5837-1 1985 Implants for surgery — Intramedullary nailing systems — Part 1  Intr 第 1 页 ISO 5837-1 1985 Implants for surgery — Intramedullary nailing systems — Part 1  Intr 第 2 页 ISO 5837-1 1985 Implants for surgery — Intramedullary nailing systems — Part 1  Intr 第 3 页
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