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48519030623115728 INTERNATIONALSTANDARDISO7483:1991 TECHNICALCORRIGENDUM1 ISO Published 1995-08-15 INTERNATIONALORGANIZATIONFOR STANDARDIZATION·MEKAYHAPOAHAROPTAHM3ALIWAOCTAHAAPTM3ALMM·ORGANISATIONINTERNATIONALEDENORMALISATION Dimensions of gaskets for use with flanges to ISO 7005 TECHNICALCORRIGENDUM1 Dimensionsdes jointsautiliseravec lesbridesdel'iso7005 RECTIFICATIFTECHNIQUE1 Technical corrigendum 1 to International Standard ISO 7483:1991 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 5, Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings, Subcommittee Sc 10, Metallic flanges and their joints. Page 24, table 14 In row 3 (Ring number R,13), for PN 50 and PN 110, remplace nominal size DN 32 by DN 20 and for mean pitch diameter P, replace 42,34 mm by 42,86 mm. UDC 62-762.42:621.643.412 Ref.No.ISO 7483:1991/Cor.1:1995(E) Descriptors: pipelines, pipe joints, seals (stoppers), gaskets, spiral wound gaskets, metal gaskets, dimensions. ISO1995 Printed in Switzeriand 2 2950TT0 E06T59h T6 E9h2oSI INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 7483 First edition 1991-10-01 Dimensions of gaskets for use with flanges to ISO 7005 Dimensions des joints a utiliser avec les brides de Iiso 7005 Reference number ISO 7483:1991(E) I50 7483 91 ISO7483:1991(E) Contents Page Section 1 General 1.1 Scope 1.2 Normative references 1.3 Definitions 1.4 Gasket forms Section2 Non-metallic flat gaskets 2.1 Gasket designs 3 2.2 Gaskettypes 3 2.3 Range of gasket sizes 4 Dimensions 4 Section 3 Spiral wound gaskets 15 3.1 Gasket designs 15 3.2 Gasketdesignsaccordingtoflangefacing 16 3.3 Marking 1G 3.4 Dimensions 16 Section4 Metaillic ring-joint gaskets 22 4.1 Gasket designs 22 4.2 Dimensions and tolerances 22 4.3 Surface texture 22 4.4 Iidentification number 22 4.5 Marking 22 4.6 Typicalmaterials formetallic ring-jointgaskets 27 Section5 Non-metallic envelope gaskets 28 5.1 Gasket designs 28 5.2 Gasket applications 28 CISO1991 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utiized In any form permission in writing from the publisher. internationalOrganizationforStandardization CasePostale56CH-1211Geneve20Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii

.pdf文档 ISO 7483 1991 Dimensions of gaskets for use with flanges to ISO 7005

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ISO 7483 1991 Dimensions of gaskets for use with flanges to ISO 7005 第 1 页 ISO 7483 1991 Dimensions of gaskets for use with flanges to ISO 7005 第 2 页 ISO 7483 1991 Dimensions of gaskets for use with flanges to ISO 7005 第 3 页
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