b SEhTEOO EOTSSh 09-98th (ISO 4186 International Standard 89-13 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION-MEXKAYHAPOAHAA OPTAHW3ALWH IO CTAHAAPTW3ALMW+ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Asparagus - Guide to storage Asperges - Guide pour I'entreposage First edition --- 1980-03-15 UDC 635.31:664.8.03 Ref.No. ISO 4186-1980 (E) ISO 4186-1980 (E) Descriptors : agricultural products, vegetables, asparagus, storage. Price based on 1 page 08-99Th 48519030031486 0 Foreword Iso (the International Organization for Standardization) is a woridwide federation of national standards institutes (Iso member bodies). The work of developing Inter- national Standards is carried out through IsO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the iso Council. International Standard ISO 4186 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Agricultural food products, and was circulated to the member bodies in April 1978. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia Iran Romania Austria Israel South Africa, Rep. of Bulgaria Spain Korea,Rep.of Mexico Canada Thailand Netherlands Turkey Czechoslovakia Poland USA France Hungary Yugoslavia Portugal The member body of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds : NewZealand @ International Organization for Standardization, 1980 Printed in Switzerland ISO 4186-1980 (E) INTERNATIONALSTANDARD 4186-80 ZTEOO EO6TS 2 Asparagus -- Guide to storage 1 Scope and field of application can also be obtained using cold water or ice water; the aspara- gus shoots should not remain in water for more than 1 h. This International Standard describes methods for obtaining conditions for the successful keeping of shoots of the species Before storage, the asparagus shoots should be layered in Asparagus officinalis Linnaeus intended, after storage, either boxes, without bundling; they should be put into store in this fordirectconsumptionorforindustrialprocessing. state (for example, 12 kg of shoots should be put into boxes of 15 kg capacity). 2 Reference Optimum storage conditions1) 4. Iso2169,Fruits and vegetables -Physical conditions in 4.1 Temperature cold stores --- Definitions and measurement. Asparagus is a vegetable liable to be damaged by refrigeration; 3 Conditions of harvesting and putting into therefore, storage temperature and intended time of storage store have to be carefully related. During storage, the optimum temperature limits for keeping are 3.1 Harvesting from + 1 oC to + 2 oC. The minimum of + 1 'c is recom- mended because fluctuation of temperature may reach 0,5 °C, The asparagus shoots should be harvested at a development and practical experience has shown that shoots stored at a stage corresponding to the quality requirements specified in the temperature below 0,5 °C are likely to be damaged. relevant product standard. If the intended period of storage is 10 days or shorter, the 3.2 Quality characteristics for storage asparagus shoots may be kept successfully at 0,5 °c. However, at this temperature the period of 10 days should not Asparagus shoots intended for storage should appear fresh, be exceeded because of the likelihood of damage. and should be clean, sound, firm, smooth, well formed, and free from bruises and visible damage caused by insects or 4.2 Relative humidity diseases. The heads or tips should be closed. The relative humidity should be kept at 90 to 95 % . Shoots of bleached asparagus should be fully etiolated. According to the cultivar, the head or tip and sometimes the 4.3 Air circulation shoot may be white, pale yel
ISO 4186-1980 Asparagus Guide to storage
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