TSO710/W NTERNATIONAL STANDARD INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION·MEKIYHAPOAHAA OPIAHW3ALIM IIO CTAHIAPTH3ALIHИ·ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps, plans and geological cross-sections -- Part Ill : Representation of magmatic rocks Symboles graphiques a utiliser sur les cartes, les plans et les coupes geologiques détailles - Partie lll: Representationdes roches magmatiques First edition - 1974-09-15 ANsI Internat Doc Sect SEP 121974 ISO 710/11-1974 (E) UDC 526.89 : 003.62 Ref. No. ISO 710/Il1-1974 (E) Descriptors : geology, maps, drawings, transverse sections, igneous rocks, symbols, graphical symbols. Price based on6 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Not for Resale FOREWORD ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (Iso Member Bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISo Technical Committees. Every Member Body interested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that Committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmentat, in liaison with IsO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the isO Council. Prior to 1972, the results of the work of the Technical Committees were published transformed into International Standards. As part of this process, Technical Committee ISO/TC 82 has reviewed ISO Recommendation R 710/11l and found it suitable for transformation. International Standard 1sO 710/lll therefore replaces ISO Recommendation R 710/1l1-1970. ISO Recommendation R 710/ll was approved by the Member Bodies of the following countries : Australia Greece Spain Beigium Sweden e!pul Czechoslovakia Iran Turkey Egypt, Arab Rep. of United Kingdom Israel France Italy U.S.S.R. Germany Netheriands The Member Bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the Recommendation on technical grounds : Chile New Zealand* Hungary South Africa, Rep. of* Ireland* The Member Body of the following country disapproved the transformation of ISO/R 710/ll into an International Standard : Poland geological cross-sections inciude : Part I : General rules of representation. Part ll : Representation of sedimentary rocks. Part IV : Representation of metamorphic rocks. (In preparation.) Part V : Representation of minerals. (In preparation.) * Subsequently, these Member Bodies approved the Recommendation. @ International Organization for Standardization, 1974 Copyright International Organization for Standardization ted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO 710/lII-1974 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps, plans and geological cross-sections - Part lll : Representation of magmatic rocks 1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION 2.1.3 Column 3 is reserved for volcanic rocks. The subdivision corresponds to that of the ptutonic rocks. This International Standard provides a series of symbols and ornaments for the representation of magmatic rocks on 2.2 Individual symbols detailed maps, especially large-scale maps, plans and geological cross-sections. A distinction in the grain size of rocks can be shown by the smaller or greater size of the individual symbols, for The symbols may be divided in two groups : example, the difference between coarse-grained syenite and fine-grained syenite can be indicated by the difference in 1) main types; size of the same symbol (see figures 1 and 2). 2) varia. They are reproduced in two tables which, being derived +++ from a logical system, may be completed easily in case of FIGURE 1 - Coarse-grained ≠≠ need. syenite + FIGURE 2 -- Fine-grained syenite 2 MAIN TYPES To indicate porphyritic texture the ordinary symbol is replaced at intervals by a larger symbol (s

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ISO 710-3-1974Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps, plans and geological cross-sections -- Par 第 1 页 ISO 710-3-1974Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps, plans and geological cross-sections -- Par 第 2 页 ISO 710-3-1974Graphical symbols for use on detailed maps, plans and geological cross-sections -- Par 第 3 页
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