7256/1 International Standard (TSo INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATIONME XAYHAPOAHAR OPFAHM3AUMR NO CTAHAAPTM3AUWMORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION ANsi Internar Doc Beci Sowing equipment - Test methods - Part 1 : Single seed drills (precision drills) Materiel de semis-Methodes d'essai-Partie 1:Semoirs monograines (semoirs de précision) First edition - 1984-03-01 ISO 7256/1-1984 (E) UDC 631.331.85 Ref..No. 1SO 7256/1-1984 (E) Descriptors : agricultural machinery, planting machines, seeders, tests, testing conditions, test results. Price based on 14 pages Foreword ISo (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IsO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through Iso technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee. nternational organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with Iso, also take part in the work. DraftInternationalStandardsadoptedbythetechnical committees arecirculatedto the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the Iso Council. International Standard ISO 7256/1 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, and was circulated to the member bodies in September 1982. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries: Australia France Romania Austria Germany, F.R. South Africa, Rep. of Belgium India Spain Brazil Iran Sweden Bulgaria Iraq Switzerland Canada Italy Turkey China Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of USA Denmark NewZealand USSR Egypt, Arab Rep. of Poland Finland Portugal The memberbodies of thefollowing countries expressed disapproval of thedocument on technical grounds: Czechoslovakia United Kingdom InternationalOrganizationforStandardization,1984 . Printed in Switzerland Contents Page oIntroduction Scope and field of application 2 Reference Definitions General test conditions 2 Mandatorytests Testresults 4 Test report Annexes A Performanceofbenchtests 6 B Device for measuring the depth of sowing c Frequency 8 D Frequencyhistogram 9 E Optionaltests 10 Example of test report on precision drills ili

.pdf文档 ISO 7256-1 1984 Sowing equipment — Test methods — Part 1 Single seed drills (precision

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ISO 7256-1 1984 Sowing equipment — Test methods — Part 1  Single seed drills (precision 第 1 页 ISO 7256-1 1984 Sowing equipment — Test methods — Part 1  Single seed drills (precision 第 2 页 ISO 7256-1 1984 Sowing equipment — Test methods — Part 1  Single seed drills (precision 第 3 页
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